Luke Cage: They Reminisce Over You

           Luke Cage’s second season, and sadly the series, come to an end in “They Reminisce Over You.” I’ll talk more about the end later. I will say there were a lot of surprises and twists along the way, most of which I didn’t see coming. Since it’s both a season and series finale, there will be spoilers below.

Luke Cage: Creator

Luke Cage’s second, and sadly final season moves closer to completion with “The Creator.” The episode is mostly about repercussions from Mariah’s shocking act at the end the previous show, and filling in some background on the Dillard/McIver feud courtesy of Flashback Theater. While it’s a good episode, rarely for Cage, there’s a lot of talking and not a great deal of anything else.

Luke Cage: For Pete’s Sake

  Luke Cage’s second (and sadly last, thanks a lot Netflix) season continues with “For Pete’s Sake,” a title that takes on a whole different meaning as the show goes on. It opens with Luke, Misty, Reverend Lucas, Mariah, and Tilda on the run as Bushmaster’s thugs look for them. Mariah is thrown for a…