Aquaman 2: The Lost Kingdom

Say what you want about the DC movies, and believe me I know they have their problems, they did a pretty good job with casting in many of them. Gal Godot is a great Wonder Woman, Afleck worked surprisingly well as a world-weary Batman, and Jason Mamoa is very entertaining as Aquaman.

Flash: The Good, The Bad, and The Lucky

The main character and his wife, among the few remaining characters from the first season, take most of this episode off, they bring back a minor character from the dead (thanks to more complications and ripples from Crisis), and there are a few inconsistences and just plain weird things happening throughout the show.

Blue Beetle

One of those bright spots … was Blue Beetle. Hampered by bad timing and the “DCEU” coming to an ragged, uneven end, it was still an enjoyable movie that did a decent job with some complex history.

Doom Patrol: Amends Patrol

Starting on DC Universe, then leaping to HBO Max, but also notionally linked to the Arrowverse and the Titans, the Patrol has gone through some changes on screen and in the comics. Now, the third season of their truly unique show comes to an end with “Amends Patrol.”

Gotham Knights: Of Butchers and Betrayals

The weird mashup of various versions of Gotham City is an interesting place. They’ve taken elements from all sorts of different tellings of the various Bat-related stories, and made something new, with a collection of characters that are mostly from different times and places, with a few originals. With the looming threat of the Court…