Aquaman 2: The Lost Kingdom

Say what you want about the DC movies, and believe me I know they have their problems, they did a pretty good job with casting in many of them. Gal Godot is a great Wonder Woman, Afleck worked surprisingly well as a world-weary Batman, and Jason Mamoa is very entertaining as Aquaman.

Flash: The Good, The Bad, and The Lucky

The main character and his wife, among the few remaining characters from the first season, take most of this episode off, they bring back a minor character from the dead (thanks to more complications and ripples from Crisis), and there are a few inconsistences and just plain weird things happening throughout the show.

Superman vs Darkseid

There’s nothing quite like a good fight, is there? The finale to Justice League Unlimited delivers just that, but this confrontation between Superman and Darkseid is particularly memorable. This speech Superman gives is easily one of my favorites in comic book entertainment across all mediums. I really enjoy hearing from Superman on what it’s like…

Batman: Under the Red Hood movie still holds up

It hasn’t been 2010 for a while now, but Batman under the red hood is still a satisfying watch. It’s currently streaming on HBO Max, so if you have the means I highly recommend popping it on. And if you’re really feeling charitable, please subscribe to my YouTube channel!