Gotham: The Beginning

     After five seasons, Gotham finally comes to an end. There was a lot of speculation about how it would end, and, among the fans, some worry. We didn’t need to worry. I think it was a perfect ending, and, for what they did, we couldn’t have had a better title.

Gotham: I Am Bane

  Gotham continues its final season with the emergence of yet another Batman villain at least a decade too early. Which one isn’t exactly a secret, given the title is “I Am Bane.” We get an origin for the character that has nothing to do with his comics one, and a reveal of who one of the lurkers this season actually is. That, actually, makes Bane’s origin jibe fairly closely with one of the movie versions.

Gotham: 13 Stitches

  This, the sadly final season of Gotham, opened with an unlikely alliance of characters all going into battle alongside each other. “13 Stitches” starts to show how and why that would happen (although it doesn’t really explain the title).

Gotham: Trespassers

Gotham’s final season, based on No Man’s Land, continues with “Trespassers.” Gotham has become a place you’d expect to see Mad Max riding around in, or maybe Snake Plissken trying to Escape from.

Gotham: One Bad Day

Gotham keeps stealing ideas from the comics and not quite doing them justice. The title “One Bad Day” is a reference to a major point in the classic Batman story (and later animated movie) The Killing Joke.