Remember When: Lemongrab’s UNACCEPTABLE Meal (Adventure Time)

I know we don’t usually cover shows like this, but I hope we start doing more of this. There’s often just a pinch of comedy in comic book movies and tv shows and comedy is a big love of mine. So, if you’re not familiar with Adventure Time or the character Lemongrab or his brother…

Blue Beetle

One of those bright spots … was Blue Beetle. Hampered by bad timing and the “DCEU” coming to an ragged, uneven end, it was still an enjoyable movie that did a decent job with some complex history.

Doom Patrol: Dada Patrol

Caulder seems to actually be gone, although I wouldn’t bet against his return from the dead. Now, with their new mystery guest, the team has a new threat to handle in their own, bizarre way, in “Dada Patrol.”

Flash: Negative, Part One

Flash and his friends struggle to figure out what’s going on, and they’re a few steps behind throughout the episode. Other surprises include more visitors, the truth behind an ally, some troubling decisions, and a shocking ending.