Aquaman 2: The Lost Kingdom

Say what you want about the DC movies, and believe me I know they have their problems, they did a pretty good job with casting in many of them. Gal Godot is a great Wonder Woman, Afleck worked surprisingly well as a world-weary Batman, and Jason Mamoa is very entertaining as Aquaman.

What If… Nebula Joined the Nova Corps?

When Disney+ starting making shows set in the MCU, they included an animated version of What If, which featured many of the stars of the movies coming back to reprise their roles. It was so successful, it became the second Marvel series on Disney+ to get more than one season, just behind Loki. Returned for a new series of could-have-been tales, What If started off with an out of this world story.

Blue Beetle

One of those bright spots … was Blue Beetle. Hampered by bad timing and the “DCEU” coming to an ragged, uneven end, it was still an enjoyable movie that did a decent job with some complex history.