
Secret Wars 2099 #5

The 2099 heroes wrap up their story on Battleworld. The combined might of the Avengers and Defenders are needed as a new foe arises, and he, in turn, calls in something nastier and uglier. In the grand tradition of hero team ups, the two groups have to put their differences aside to battle something far worse than they are. It’s an ugly fight.


Squadron Sinister #1

The Squadron Supreme has had a long and weird history in Marvel Comics. They are fairly obviously analogues to DC’s famed Justice League, and have had several different incarnations now. In fact, in this issue, the new version fights the one from the “Max” line a few years ago. This evil version, the Squadron Sinister, which has also shown up in various versions in the past, reminds me a lot of DC’s Crime Syndicate, the evil reflections of the Justice League.


Secret Wars 2099 #2

The future Avengers continue their story. I’m most interested in the new Captain America. David has created a very interesting character with a compelling backstory. She has secrets even from herself, and others being kept from her completely. I could see this getting complicated as time passes. There are also secrets involving Miguel and the Black Widow.


Comic Book Classics Revisited: Secret Wars #12

Woo! After a real close call last time, what with that crazy bolt of destruction coming out of nowhere when I was rapping up Secret Wars #11, I was able to dust off the old laptop and bring to you the final installment of the first Comic Book Classics Revisited! Let’s dive right in, shall we?


Comic Book Classics Revisited: Secret Wars #11

The war has ended!  The Beyonder is destroyed!  Everyone is safe…  Thanks to Doom?!?  Yes, folks, Doctor Doom is large and in charge as the end of Secret Wars is just a breath away!  Welcome back to Comic Book Classics Revisited as we take an in-depth look at the penultimate chapter in Marvel’s mega-event!


Comic Book Classics Revisited: Secret Wars #9

Comic Book Classics Revisited is declaring war on Galactus! The heroes are all together again, the villains have been kicked out of their base, Spider-Man got a sleek, new, black costume, and Galactus is now ready to begin his meal – the very planet everyone is standing on, Battleworld. Look out! Here comes Secret Wars #9!


Comic Book Classics Revisited: Secret Wars #8

And so we’ve come to what is probably the most significant issue in the Secret Wars series… Not only is this book significant to the Marvel Universe as a whole, but it also usually fetches the highest price in the collectors’ market of all the Secret Wars books. After months of already seeing the suit in the pages of the various Spider-Man titles, we’re finally given the origin of the black suit that will eventually prove itself to be a very dangerous alien entity. Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let’s get a quick catch up and then crack open the issue!


Comic Book Classics Revisited: Secret Wars #6

Comic Book Classics Revisited is back! Today, we’re going to crack open Secret Wars #6! Last issue, the heroes held back another attack by the villains with the help of the X-Men. All the while, Galactus is preparing to devour Battleworld and all those on it. A love triangle is forming between Colossus, the Human Torch, and the alien healer Zsaji. Most importantly, Doctor Doom sneaked aboard Galactus’ ship and is looking for ways to gain all the power and take the war for himself.